Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the ZU-ZU factory.

Export of Products

Export of ZU-ZU products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All ZU-ZU products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ZU-ZU: children's and musical playgrounds, motor towns, outdoor chess and checkers, wall panels, mosaics, children's furniture
  • Weather stations ZU-ZU
    Weather stations
    ME0001, ME0003, etc.
  • Motor towns ZU-ZU
    Motor towns
    AV6400, AV0200, etc.
  • Music venues ZU-ZU
    Music venues
    MU0100, MU1000, etc.
  • Patriotic sites ZU-ZU
    Patriotic sites
    PP1000, PP1001, etc.
  • Wall mosaics ZU-ZU
    Wall mosaics
    NM1000, NM1009, etc.
  • Wall panels ZU-ZU
    Wall panels
    NP0600, NP4500, etc.
  • Profession Kits ZU-ZU
    Profession Kits
    PR9800, PR9900, etc.
  • Small architectural forms ZU-ZU
    Small architectural forms
    Cinderella's carriage, etc.
  • Outdoor chess and checkers ZU-ZU
    Outdoor chess and checkers
    SHA0018, SHA0033, etc.
  • Logic games ZU-ZU
    Logic games
    L00022, LO1000, etc.
  • Children's furniture ZU-ZU
    Children's furniture
    ME1001, ME1002, etc.
  • Sports equipment ZU-ZU
    Sports equipment
    CO0002, CO0003, etc.
  • Laser shooting ranges ZU-ZU
    Laser shooting ranges
    NV1000, NV2000, etc.
  • Wooden toys ZU-ZU
    Wooden toys
    LO0016, LO0018, etc.
  • Obstacles for cyclists ZU-ZU
    Obstacles for cyclists
    BK0001, BK0002, etc.
  • Soft EVA floor mats ZU-ZU
    Soft EVA floor mats
    MK0001, SO0034, etc.


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